Nanobots will be our downfall, considering the rate of increase in computer tehcnology and the need to replace silicon with carbon, precipitating the development of such technologies.... peaking in 2012. These nanobots will assimilate at an alarming rate, meaning the end of us all as we know it.. at the same time the end of the mayan calendar will result in the final step of evolution... an ascendance from the physical to the metaphysical... saving us from our self imposed technological cataclysm.
(26.04.2004, 10:33)
Without totally disregarding certain eschatological implications, couldn't it be possible that 2012 is simply the end of a calender? We(mankind) have an innate inability to foretell our own future and a track record to prove it. I'm only suggesting consideration of an equally plausible possibility.
(30.04.2004, 14:47)
Xoe Stone:
On 4/28/04, the following was announced: "We constructed a prototype of a medical molecular computer -- several trillion such computers can fit in a drop of water -- that is able to diagnose disease conditions and release a drug upon positive diagnosis," said Ehud Shapiro, a professor at Israel's Weizmann Institute, who led the team.
- It would seem to me nanotechnology might well become one of the keys/advances that could allow our species to travel/live in a space-borne environment; nanotechnology could solve the problems posed by cosmic rays & their mutative properties. The implications of this are dizzying in terms of human evolution & could well result in humans with extremely long lifespans - something to consider futher, I think.
(18.05.2004, 09:52)
Amy Williams:
What do you think this date has to do with the "Crystal Skulls"? Do you have any theories about them?
(27.05.2004, 17:12)
George Bush must have his own 2012 theories, hence his statement when asked what history will say about him and his Presidency, he replied, "There won't be any history, we'll all be dead".
- Does he know something we don't, or is he just an idiot? Both may be true!
- Here is my doomsday theory... 4 more years of George Bush, which takes him to 2008, then his evil brother Jeb takes over in 2008 for 4 years, which will no doubt finish us off by 2012. Sound plausible to you? I would prefer the other possible scenarios, galactic or whatever, being much less painful!
(29.05.2004, 19:00)
Pardon me, but I think the lot of you sound like a bunch of potheads. "we must make other people aware" "we have a special job" I mean, are people taking this far too seriously, or something? I'm really quite untouched by all this, but it seems a lot of people are taking this far too seriously.
(30.05.2004, 16:46)
I think President Bush does know something..and he knows many crap that people dont even know..but just doesnt want to tell us the world won't panic.....I am sure something will happen on 2012...i just hope it wont kill us all...cause i wanna live..u know?...oh well let's see what will happen...and president bush is full of shit.. ( i hope he reads this)
(01.06.2004, 14:25)
Steven Martin:
Dear Readers. I have discussed this date with many people over last 5-6 years. We are of the opinion, that either 1 of 2 things will happen.
- 1. Time stops, and all life as we know it, changes. To what? Who knows.
- 2. An extra layer of time is added. Which is only possible from the gravity of a black hole or another star, or planet, or moon.
- The moon, is rotating in such a way that it always has a side, which faces from earth, if its spin was changed, this may effect gravity. If the ctr of our galaxy has a blackhole as some people believe, then maybe as we get closer to this date, its gravity draws us closer. regardless, the extra time theory allows for one other thing, the merging of the dualities of existance. Ancient Egyptians, and Muslims today believe in a complimentary world. The world of Jinn, which is ruled by none other "Satan". His appearance is scheduled roughly for the same time, we are approaching.
- It will be hopefully better if we prepare for this change, but somethings u cant predict. People, live everyday like it was your last. Mend relationships, do the things which make u happy and spend time, with the ones u love. There is nothing worse than spending eternity with emotional luggage. gl.
(10.06.2004, 06:32)
wow, most of you are crazy!
- so isn't the earth supposed to stop for a few days and put us into the fourth dimension. then spin in the opposite direction and put us in the 5th. becouse the moon is slowly moving away from the earth or somethin'?
(12.06.2004, 01:02)
and the mayans have time and space locks on this dimension, that will be lifted in 2012. and were supposed to be ready to take on our multi-dimensional selves, and meet and greet them, or go crazy or disintagrate, huh?
(12.06.2004, 01:14)
yeah, check out barbra marciniak, and search for dna recoding or reconnecting on yahoo!!!
(14.06.2004, 14:03)
Brain Jones:
- This is the best theory for the worlds end yet!
(13.07.2004, 15:16)
Omar Kyamm Ravenhurst:
Great change will come as a river of blood. Enjoy life while you can everybody. Get fat, get drunk, and screw your wives while you can. Chthulu isn't coming, and Jesus isn't coming- But the world is going to hell very soon.
- "Happy are the dead, for they did not live to see this day."
(29.07.2004, 02:05)
i see two sides here. 1. something happens that we are not able to predict (to the best of my knowledge) or 2. nothing happens at all and dec 22 and 23 come as they always have in the past. some people keep asking why would the myan calander end? well our calander ends once a year doesn't it? yes we celebrate with a big ball falling at midnight to both bring in a new year and see the old year out, but it ends our calander for that year. i see dec 21st 2012 as just that. yes it's a solstice. yes it's the end of their long calander, but it's also the beginning of something else. maybe that's a cataclysmic end and maybe not.
- regardless i still live for today with curiosity of tomorrow.
(11.08.2004, 05:01)
Arya Dharma:
Haila auk Selhu! I'm from Norway, and I've been studying ancient culture since I was twelve(always been interested in the occult and so on), -when I visited Chichen Itza,among other sites. I became obsessed with everything about ancient religion, technology and so on. Since then I've been travelling to sacred sites around the world. I read roughly 1 book per week about these subjects, I can't get enough. Too bad for my people up here north that all the good books are in english,people are lazy in the Kali Yuga, everything must come to them without effort, but I try to preach, hehe. I agree with "Dev" to some extent.. I recommend reading everything you can on: When you've finished the 3 books there, then you will see.. You create your own reality. Know thyself. Greetings from the north! Hail Odinn!
(11.08.2004, 18:25)
Willy Gaspar:
I agree with the polar shift in 2012, but it seems that by the end of this summer we may have a substantial SUN SPOT ERUPTION. If we expect to have a 7 year famine before 2012, it needs to happen soon. Anyway, if anyone of you can get me in touch with Geryl I would appreciate it. (I am a fellow author - Willy Gaspar "The Celestial Clock") Thanks, Willy
(25.08.2004, 16:36)
Willy, I don't think anyone ever said 7 year "famine" in sun spot eruption. Can you substantiate that claim?
(02.09.2004, 09:31)
Thank you for concluding your essay with the words, "the most appropriate day to form myths around," as this pretty much sums up attempts by modern authors to interpret the Mayan calendar to fit theories about galactic orientation which the pig entrail divining Maya could not possible have come up with. As I see very few, if any, comments challenging your work, you will undoubtedly also delete this one as "unsuitable."
(02.09.2004, 09:38)
"If we expect to have a 7 year famine before 2012, it needs to happen soon."
- It's already started: Peak Oil. Take a look at
(08.09.2004, 18:20)
Rob Bast:
Chris: In NZ we had "carless days" in the 1970s, because oil was running out. It didn't. There's still plenty of oil left, it's just that the price of it goes a bit high sometimes.
(09.09.2004, 16:44)
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