Author: Patrick Geryl
Shift & Pole Reversal in 2012
In 2012 the next
polar reversal will take place on earth. This means that the North Pole will be
changed into the South Pole. Scientifically this can only be explained by the
fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with
a huge disaster of unknown proportions.
In my books
I reveal the immense cataclysm that is going to torment the earth in the near
future. It is presently assumed by most people and the general scientific world
at large, that the rotation of the Earth is stable, however, as expounded in my
previous works on this subject, this is not the case. The gruesome reports of
the previous catastrophes should, hopefully, be clear to all.
historical exploration of cosmology in previous books is founded on the translation
of hieroglyphs, cracking of codes, unveiling of the magnetic reversal of the sun,
study of old maps, decoding of astronomical clues, geological research, and the
discovery of the most exciting archaeological find in modern times.
these I came to the following conclusions:
With clock-like regularity, sudden reversals and pole shifts are natural to
the Earth. The result is worldwide destruction, and is supported by paleo-magnetic
evidence and early manuscripts.
2. The reversal of the poles is attributed
to the harmonic cycle of the magnetic fields of the sun.
3. Polar
reversals can be calculated precisely on the basis of the sunspot cycle theory
or the magnetic field theory, which the Maya and the Old Egyptians were privy
to. These secrets are contained in the Labyrinth of Hawara, a huge complex consisting
of three thousand rooms.
I explained
abundantly clearly that life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure
unimaginable horror. All securities you presently have at hand, like - amongst
others - food, transport, and medicines, will have disappeared in one big blow,
dissolved into nothingness. As will our complete civilization. It cannot be more
horrifying than this; worse than the worst nightmare. More destructive than a
nuclear war in which the entire global arsenal of nuclear weapons has been deployed
in one blow. Are you grasping the facts?
The earth
will be subjected to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description.
Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope
of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources will have been completely
destroyed. That will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar
reversal. And it is in this scenario you will have to try to survive.
Riddle of the Magnetic Field Solved
At present scientists
still do not know much about the mechanism that generates the magnetic field of
the earth, which is more than frightening. Without doubt, our continued existence
depends upon this. Thousands of years ago our ancestors knew that when this magnetic
field tilts, a worldwide destruction takes place. The present geologists, astronomers
and physicists know little about this. For that reason we are running towards
our end, without a single acknowledgement from official sources.
what do our professors indeed know? Next to nothing. In short, the scenario is
as follows: a solid central core rotates in the center of the earth. It is surrounded
by a liquid iron-like layer, on top of which the earth's crust is continuously
drifting. This whole structure therefore appears to be a huge rotating dynamo.
In addition, the liquid layer rotates in the electrostatic field of the sun, recharging
However, this is not at all efficient: more
electrical potential is lost than gained. Just like a battery that is almost empty,
it is difficult to recharge and it becomes exhausted more easily and quickly.
This is the situation with the "battery" of the magnetic field of the
earth. For this reason one sees the force of the magnetic field diminishing, almost
60% over the last two thousand years.
At this rate
there will not be much left within a couple of decades! And then one can expect
a reversal of the poles. But nobody knows in what way this will happen, nor what
the consequences will be, in contrast to the Maya and the Old Egyptians who knew
the terrible consequences only too well. Their science, their religion and way
of life were completely based on them. They encoded their knowledge in Holy Numbers
and in their architecture.
I needed days, weeks,
months and years to follow their carefully applied clues and decode them. After
an exasperatingly long search, I found out that these codes were connected with
the catastrophic events on earth that were caused by pole shifts. Some of the
codes were terribly complicated, although not incomprehensible. Once you have
figured out the cipher, you are able to decipher the different levels of their
scientific language. Then you can literally peel away layer after layer until
you reach the ultimate result: the naked scientific figures regarding the background
of these catastrophes.
Unknown Sunspot Cycle Theory Gives the Answer
answers to these questions are alarming and devastating. All my deciphering points
to a complex and ingenious science. Let me explain. When you, as a scientist,
stumble upon results that the present astronomers do not know, you have, without
doubt, stumbled upon something terribly important. Everybody will have to admit
it, and that is exactly what I have done: I discovered an echo of a long-lost
technological terminology; a majestic building with immensely sophisticated keys.
Many numbers were based on the sunspot cycle, which they had discovered. A theory
that is irrefutably correct and not known by our physicists! It cannot be more
This theory, in turn, correlates with
the periodical polar reversals of the earth. I succeeded in cracking the whole
puzzle and a large-scale structure appeared. Its development was such that the
mathematical matrix ends on the day of the next polar reversal!
like the way we count down to the launching of a rocket, they counted down to
the End of Times. On the last day of the calendar the magnetic north of the earth
will change into the south. They knew this would not only mean the end of their
civilization, but also of the whole civilized world!
Solar Lightning
Causes the Polar Reversal
From legends and the sunspot
cycle theory of the Maya, we can reconstruct the cause of a polar reversal. It
has long been known that when a beam of lightning strikes a magnet, a reversal
of the magnetic poles takes place. Let's apply this principle on a broader scale.
Our earth is a huge magnet, with its own North and
South Poles. A short-circuit with another external "beam of lightning,
or magnet, can end in a catastrophic polar reversal. This means that the magnetic
North Pole changes place with the magnetic South Pole. But what sort of external
beam can cause this? What force is powerful enough to stop the rotation of the
earth and revert it?
Only one object can cause this:
our sun. You know from my book, The OrionProphecy that the magnetic field of the
sun undergoes a drastic change every 11,500 to 12,000 years. Once a crucial point
has been reached, it reverses instantaneously. Chaotic outbursts accompany this
phenomenon and an immense cloud of plasma is catapulted into space. Then a shock
wave of particles reaches our planet and the polar reversal of our earth commences.
With unknown power this solar lightning strikes
our planet and causes a gigantic short circuit. That is the catastrophic truth
behind a polar reversal of the earth. But how can we scientifically describe this
fact? What is the precise physical cause that produces this polar reversal?
Solar Storms Cause the Pole Shift
In the book Earth
under Fire I came upon the correct theory. More precisely, in the chapter entitled
"Solar Storms and Geomagnetic Flips." The astronomer Paul La Violette
writes Field flips have been accomplished experimentally, by shooting large
quantities of loaded particles on a strong bipolar magnet. These particles are
then caught in the magnetic fields and cause a "ring-stream" in them.
At a certain moment this stream speeds up to such an extent that the field of
the magnet reverses completely.
In an equivalent
scenario the field of the earth can reverse in just the same way. Astronomers
know that the particles of a solar storm can compress the earth's magnetic field
and temporarily speed up the power of the earth's field.
the solar particles reach our planet, the electromagnetically-loaded particles
will move in a spiral along the magnetic lines: from the magnetic north pole to
the magnetic south pole and back. While passing this north-south axis, they will
move into the direction of the equator. When they arrive there, they will join
into a super powerful "ring current."
"ring current" generates an intense magnetic field that is opposite
to the earth's magnetic field. In order to overpower the earth's magnetic field
you need a solar flame a hundred times more forceful than the biggest one we have
ever seen. At the reversal of the magnetic field of the sun this degree will certainly
be reached.
From here on, my point of view deviates
from that expressed by Paul La Violette. Not only will the poles reverse, but
also the earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction! This can only occur
when the "ring current" pushes the inner core of the earth in the opposite
Everybody knows that when you change
the poles of an electric motor, it will start turning the other way. The same
holds for the interior of the earth. When an external short circuit takes place,
the core cannot do otherwise but start turning in the opposite direction!
& Renewed Life
This catastrophe will not only result
in the massive destruction of life on earth, but also its continued existence,
however incomprehensible this may sound. Let me explain this.
The magnetic
field of the earth is not an accident of natural science. Its primary task is
to protect us against cosmic and solar radiation. Without this field, life is
practically impossible and in a short time, life on our planet would be extinguished.
An all-burning, deadly radioactive radiation would torment the earth's surface.
So here we are talking about an incompatible duality:
despite the fact that a huge amount of people, animals and plants will die, life
will continue to exist, because the exhausted battery of the earth will be reloaded
by the enormous solar storm. During thousands of years the magnetic field of the
earth can therefore remain stable, protecting the flora and fauna against the
damaging radiation. While doing this job, the inner battery of the earth will
run out again and another cycle of destruction followed by creation and mutation
will start anew.
For more of Patrick Geryl's
ideas, see this book:

Orion Prophecy: Will the World Be Destroyed in 2012
by Patirck Geryl & Gino Ratinckx
Discuss Survive
2012 at our forumGive the author your thoughts, and discuss any 2012
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Comments from Visitors
XoFFoX: Man !!! All I see here is small minds who attack what they don't understand !!! There is evidence of previous crustal shifts and scientific evidence to back it up. What more do you freakin need ??? For those of you lacking vision ... This is all part of a learning experience for soul evolution. The fellow who posted the link to the works of David Wilcock did his homework. I read all 3 and they go a long way to explain this event in a very scientific manner. For those of you who cannot wrap your noodles around this, sit back in a nice comfy chair with a couple two fours and watch your futures end. Survival is absolutely possible if you make the preparations and watch for the signs.
- Anyone who believes what NASA says is like an idiot who places his life in the hands of a bunch of batteries. They still think comets are dirty snowballs for Christ sake !!! Geryl got the reverse rotation idea right. When U reverse electrical input to a DC motor, it spins the other way and the Earth is a giant homopolar motor just like the Sun is and all the galaxies. ALL run on electrical currents in a sea of plasma and that electricity comes from the Aether.
- XoFFoX (06.09.2005, 08:38)
hannan: The switching of the poles takes more than a day, a decade. You theory seems pausible but the spining of the axes is not the same in the equater and the poles. Just like a merry go round the spinning is immediate in the center but takes more time while you approach the end of the circle (the poles). Scientist have discovered that this shifting took place in the past but was achieved in 500 to 700 years!
- The dooms day expectation of 2012 alignes with the Maya calendar and makes people's imagination want to happen. The true catastophy would rather be the actual shifting and the multiplication of north poles, because the Earth will loose it's sense of north and south MEANWHILE. Which means we will have navigational problems and animals will loose their sense of natural orientation. The other consequence is tectonic mouvements and weather incidents of major dimension. A slow shifting has electric consquences on the weather. The Earth may be undergoing acceleration of spin before the inner core starts spinning in opposite direction in 500 years time. The earth may be spinning round the Sun at a different rate because of the change of poles that has taken place on the Sun folowing scientific evidence from satelite pictures. (07.09.2005, 07:37)
hannan: see
- glatzmaier.html
- for a serious comment not trigged by the Maya calender or "Worlds in Collision" (08.09.2005, 02:45)
(08.09.2005, 02:52)
TW: In February 2001, the Sun did a magnetic polar shift. The next one is due again in 2012. Did you notice?
- The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago for the earth.
- FACTS. Will there be global destruction? I doubt it. But then again I am not trying to sell a book <grin> (08.09.2005, 14:31)
(09.09.2005, 09:49)
(09.09.2005, 20:44)
(12.09.2005, 05:08)
vh: see
- /29dec_magneticfield.html (12.09.2005, 05:12)
Nigger: All hail destruction. (12.09.2005, 22:46)
Anonumus: Im very concerned. I know so much about space. Hypernovas, gamma-ray bursts, sedna the new "planet". But Im unsure what to believe. Please anyone. Tell me this isnt true. Please. If not i must ask: is it definate? Or do we have a small chance of it not happening? If you stumble across an answer (dont let it be from this site) email me at Thank you for your time. (13.09.2005, 11:42)
Anon: First you must learn to spell. Beyond that, I don't think you have much to worry about. (14.09.2005, 02:37)
Enchantress: The Bible, Buddha, Nostradamus - many sources are predicting this...
- key is to just live in and for the glory of God - be the best Being you
- can possibly be: show love, compassion, forgiveness, read learn and
- evolve... when it is your time, embrace and accept what is meant to be. (17.09.2005, 19:48)
Yo Mama: HAHAHAHAHA you guys is crazy!!! Fuckas!! (19.09.2005, 17:34)
Protostar: Funny how close minded some people are. But education is hard to come by I guess. People read and DON'T THINK. Remarkable... Anyway,
- Most people don't know what a GEOPHYSICAL POLE REVERSAL is. I believe it will come to pass and
- sooner than anyone thinks because time has changed (losing arc seconds is no joke)We are now at the very brink of EARTH CHANGES and to survive it all, you must be prepared.
- Spiritually as well. The prudent see danger and seek refuge and the simple keep going and suffer for it. (21.09.2005, 19:40)
Anon: Look you do what you want and the rest of us educated people will do what we want-See how that works? (22.09.2005, 02:00)
Anon: confused compasses? there are 3 norths. grid north, magnetic north and true north. true north is the exact centre of the north pole. grid north is the little arrow on the top of a map. however magnetic north, hmmm compasses do not face the north pole but a big lump of metal (cant remember which) under the earths crust. which currently is under greenland-canada. the metal changes afew degrees every year. every 4-5 years it moves back in the opposite direction. so what i can gather, magnetic north (the direction the arrow in your compass points to) will not change due to a "polar shift". now that is really not likely, and people who write theoris like these ones really need to do something more with their life then trying to make money selling a book and trying to scare people. (22.09.2005, 11:15)
Anon: the answer to the meaning of life and the universe is.........42! perhaps you lot could go read "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" i believe the figures in that book more then the crap on this site. i dunno if a publisher will take you on but i hope you do get some luck because you have spent alot of time and effort on this even though its speculation at its most trivial. (22.09.2005, 11:39)
protostar: Anon poster. Why don't you give a name?
- I want you to read this paper, here is the
- address read it then tell me what you think.
- I AM PROTOSTAR not an anon.... (22.09.2005, 18:58)
Anon: We anon are legion---there are many of us..... (23.09.2005, 02:09)
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