
 - The Aquatic Ape Theory
 - Pyramids as Cosmic Ray Shelters


 - The Bast Theory

the book

Why 2012?
 - Introduction
 - Mayan Calendar
 - Fractal Time / I Ching
 - Galactic Alignment

Cataclysm? How?
 - Maybe Eta Carinae?

 - Introduction / Ouroboros
Africa / Scandic / Babylon
The Americas
Ancient Greece & China
DNA & the I Ching
Were Dragons Real?

Nazca Lines
 - General Info
 - Who created them?
 - What do they mean?
 - Belt of Orion?
 - Other geoglyphs

Pole Shifts
 - Opposing Views
 - Velikovsky
 - How could they Shift?
 - Hapgood and Bowles
 - Evidence Part I
 - Evidence Part II

Global Pyramids
 - Middle East / Africa
 - The Americas
 - Europe
 - Asia and Pacific

Patrick Geryl
 - 2012 Polar Reversal
 - North Becomes South

As well as...
 - Cosmic Rays
 - 2012: Year of the Dragon

Einstein supported both Hapgood and Velikovsky


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1. Introduction

Here is an idea worth considering:

Thousands of years ago humankind had attained a high-level of technological achievement. They understood laws of nature that are unknown to us today. They explored Antarctica and mapped the entire globe. They made monuments that we would have difficulty recreating with our modern techniques and equipment...

Then tragedy struck in the form of a global cataclysm. They were not expecting it. The disaster was so terrible that most humans perished and many animal species became extinct. Those humans that did survive were forced to live like animals while the Earth recovered.� Memories faded, and knowledge disappeared. Society began again from scratch, returning to pagan beliefs and simplistic lives. But there were some that survived who somehow managed to remember more, that retained some of the advanced techniques and ideas that others had forgotten - and had the foresight and dedication to warn future generations of the next cataclysm. Knowing that it would be more than 10,000 years before the cataclysm recurred, they had to allow for certain possibilities: that in the year 2012 we could be speaking a brand new language, following unpredictable religions and using any sort of numbering system. If they were to leave us clues to help us survive, those clues would need to be big and solid enough to last 10,000 years; and coded so as to be unambiguous - regardless of the culture that interpreted them. Some modern humans, of various backgrounds and disciplines, are working towards deciphering what they have left us.

 This is just a small portion of my online book, Survive 2012 - a look into possible ways our world might end, and how to survive. Available in bookstores sometime before 2012, fingers-crossed...

We are on the verge of cloning humans, of aping God. Regardless of ethics and laws, it will happen - for whenever scientists have had the ability to do something, they haven't been able to resist - it is in their nature. On the other side of the coin, when there are not enough clues to solve a puzzle, when none of their predecessors have made quality in-roads, they have rattled off stock answers and moved on to something easier. These unsolved mysteries are typically of a historical nature - our scientists have been unable to observe the processes in real-time, and have chosen not to make unscientific guesses. The tasks have by default been given to the independent researchers, the untrained pseudo-scientists, the men and women with imagination, verve and daring. The rebels.

This book pulls together a number of these mysteries. They all relate to the potential for a global cataclysm that may be just around the corner.

Most of the topics are much debated, with radicals and the establishment taking opposing views. Is the Sphinx 5,000 or 12,000 years old? Did the biblical flood really happen?� And if it did was it regional or global? Did modern man once live in the ocean? How was it that separate ancient societies all had the ability to shift giant blocks?

We shall look at ideas that have been endorsed by great thinkers, yet are ignored by the esteemed scholars of today. The idea of a pole shift had the agreement of Einstein; the existence of Atlantis was described by Plato; global cataclysms were hinted at by Darwin.

And we will see evidence that orthodox science has chosen to ignore, evidence that fails to fit their precious paradigms. Artifacts showing human civilisations existing 100,000 or even millions of years ago. Proof of a cataclysmic poleshift 12,000 years ago. And evidence that is strangely missing, such as the missing links of evolution.

Helping bind these topics together I will present some new information concerning mythical creatures and cosmic rays. And I shall explain how a global network of monuments was created for a common purpose - to warn us of our potential extinction. Hopefully these ideas will spark enough debate so that the things we treasure, and the species that we are, continue for a long, long time.

Robert Bast, somewhere, May 2001

Why 2012:

1. Introduction
Next >>> 2. Mayan Calendar
3. Fractal Time and the I Ching
4. Galactic Alignment

Discuss Survive 2012 at our forum

Give the author your thoughts, and discuss any 2012 ideas with others, at 2012 Forum


Comments from Visitors

EVERYONE of you you make me sick! it is not the end of the world we will be changed our siritual body and physical body will fuse together you know how some people dream of powers they might get those powers people we will become better! BUT one Rule you have to do more good things than bad things or you will not survive! I'm only 10 but I am smart,strong,andcaring i will master sword skills dragons will come back i will protect the weak from evil dragons and collect elements from dragons of earth,water,wind,and fire my friend will become a dragon summoner and a tamer he will collect fire,and earth dragons! People enjoy life remember the RULE i will become a drangon slayer but only defeat the evil dragons people belive me please have hope faith and love for the earth and other people PLEASE help save our planet i have great physical strength every 10,000 years this will happen please keep this site open i want my message to live on forever one question WHAT ABOUT THE LIZARDS?
(05.03.2005, 15:00)

One more thing i am an ancient one i have the mark of the pharoh i am serious i see things that will happen please put faith in me our heros are 10 people from each country and state we can save the earth estro de mooondo escara fursega hirenfkjt fhidnbjdgf gehrdh le de meeegftrea golose ferutuyedhfg mooonde straaaa gejfyf dydjmfgb ffudfbyd defyjufgrej djsdbch sdhgdash jsdhfjk dfhjkd uyrekdasb edhfuirdesndzksdhsd jkdhfsdjf Hope faith love is the power to unlock your heros heart i hope none of my dreams come true except for saving the earth Im with the ELEMENT of wind and water
(05.03.2005, 15:08)

de Paris:
Have you been to Paris lately?? That would freak all of y'all out. I live right next to the Eiffel Tower and there is this huge multi-colored sign on it that says "Paris 2012". Everywhere you go in that city you see signs flashing the year "2012" for all to see. It is quite bizarre. Paris is a candidate city for the Olympic games of 2012. That is why those signs are everywhere. Maybe in 2012, if Paris gets the Olympics, the French will fuck up the games to such an extent the world will blow up. That seems a more likely possibility than all of your cosmic rambles and rants. Yeah, if the world Blows I'm blaming the French. (Vous savez que je vous aime, le Francais.)
(14.03.2005, 09:48)

Hello everyone I had a thought its a bit far fetched but stick with me here.Ok i was just doing some research last week for my personal use on Dragons and I read that they had found a frozen dragon in Romania a bit back it was perfectly frozen and blah blah you look it up i could go on for days.Anyway yesterday i was watching a story on cloning talking about what they need to clone things and how they could bring back animals that had long since been extinct they couldn't use dinosaur bones you know like Jurassic park because there is no genetic data left but then i started thinking about the Dragon they found in romania and it kinda all hit me at once what if they cloned the dragon and it pulled a Jurassic park manuver and reproduced give it about 10 years a god knows what you would have.And to top it off the dreames some people have been having (as said on this site) could be a "vision" or perseption of possible things to come you never know.It would only be fair though I mean we killed off dragons in midevil times what would be more ironic than humans cloning dragons and dragons to come back and get their well deserved revenge. - - Oh and on another note if this does by any chance happen you can guarante people and me included will be defending the dragons just for the sake that they are considered a magical beast and they deserve to be here not us.Feel free to E-mail me if you have and thoughts,questions,or expecialy complaints I love reading hate mail :)
(20.03.2005, 23:58)

Remember the last X-Files episode!? It predicted the date for the Alien Invasion/Takeover in, yes - 2012.
(06.04.2005, 16:14)

Lord Omar:

(07.04.2005, 15:53)

An Old Fart:
Well, since *this* year we've had the BIGGEST Earthquake and most devastating Tidal-wave for some years already ..... Heeeeeelp !! :)
(19.04.2005, 12:48)

Alright, I have also done the research, listened to the prohecies,etc. Evidence points to 2012 as the year that life will cease to be as we know it. I am one of those with visions, of the feeling of running out of time, but this is not something to begin mass paranoia over. That accomplishes nothing. We know that some will survive, they always do, no matter the religious preference, station in life, or ethnic background. Most prohecies point to fire as the end, so figure probably a large rock falling out of the sky or perhaps yellowstone volcano will finally blow. Reguardless, both would have a world wide impact on life globally and for many years. Life as we know it would change, as had been forseen by many. Living in fear will not stop it nor will it make it any easier to cope with once something of a grand scale would happen. Education will be your one weapon to achieve survival. Educate yourself on how to live without present technology, in case the need arises. I am sure many would be surprised at what they could do, if only given the chance to try.
(26.04.2005, 08:29)

I recently read Fingerprints of the Gods, presuming you have read it from what your intro says. It had a profound effect on my vision of the future. Will be back to check your site out thoroughly. This comments section makes entertaining reading!!! I feel greatful for the fact that I live somewhat like an indian already!!! I have loads of horses so sod the oil!!! Not that its probably gonna matter anyway, if only it wasn't for that nagging feeling Ive had as long as I can remamber, Im going to survive...terrifying thought...
(06.07.2005, 07:04)

funny how in the guidelines for posting it says like minded people... I mean listening to people who disagree with you for a change and not being spoonfed supporting facts and speculation would be horrible! - see you all in 2013 when this guys books sales drop to 0 if they already havent.
(18.07.2005, 22:17)

What if humanity works in cycles. Like we gain knowledge up to a certain point and then we start over. I have read that in 2012 computers could make as many connections as a human brain. Could us creating consciousness be what is the end? If a computer did become conscious at that point and was connected to the world wide web it could have limitless information. I believe the Incans had a date of December 23, 2013, which is very close to the Mayans. If you haven't seen it rent the movie Pi, as some of the stuff on this webssite is in the movie, and it just really makes you think.
(26.08.2005, 03:44)

Thursday, 8 April 2004 article - But the big switchover does not take place in one swoop.The so-called flip between the Earth's North and South poles occurs at long but unpredictable intervals, the most recent one occurring about 790,000 years ago. - But scientists have only estimated how long the switching process takes before the new poles become established. Estimates have ranged from a couple of thousand years to 28,000. - Pr.Clement calculated it took 2000 years at the equator and about 10,000 closer to the poles.The reason for this, said Clement, is that in the absence of the main north-south magnetic field, the Earth's core develops a weaker secondary field that has many mini-poles at the surface. Eventually the two main poles are established again, but on opposite sides of the planet, and restore their primacy. - Many aspects of life today would be literally turned upside down, both for humans, given our dependence on magnets for navigation, and for migrating animals that use an inner compass.The shortest interval between flips is between 20,000 and 30,000 years, and the longest is 50 million years.
(09.09.2005, 10:32)

The next harvest cycle will occur in 2015, the souls that are ready at that point will goto another world. The means of the harvest must be in death, particularly death in large numbers. How theses deaths occur does not matter it could be natural desaster, mankind destroying himself through destructive methods, it is going to happen no matter what. Purify your soul and seek out methods to help others, acknowledge love and exsistence, and ignore the material aspect of everything,you are not here to build your kingdom on earth to build wealth is of ignorance and greed.Use your time here to build character, do what you know is right dispite the blur and evil pull around you, unite to the good of mankind and stand as one together - the people of earth.
(10.09.2005, 21:40)

WAIT DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Well it's all related because of the change of frequensy and the vibration that our planet. This will take us to the next dimention and obiously the world is going to change. That's why the so called end of this era, or the end of the world as we know it .Its going to be a trip trust me. Everything in this palnet is eading for a change, a change in all matters especially in frequencies. Our planet is going to vibrate at a highter level , that's why all these changes are going to happend. - Mother earth is going to change by nature, but human kind by will, and only those that carry frequencies that are compateble with the new ones in the earth by 2012 will surbyvewe. AND THAT A LOGIC FRACTOR DON,T YOU GUYS THINK!!!! - If any one whant's to know a little bit more of this hole deal contact me . I will give you tip's on how to raice your frequecies and surbive!!!!
(13.09.2005, 00:52)

WAIT DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Well it's all related because of the change of frequensy and the vibration that our planetwill have. This will take us to the next dimention and obiously the world is going to change. That's why the so called end of this era, or the end of the world as we know it .!!!!!!!!!Its going to be a trip, trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!. Everything in this palnet is eadding for a change, a change in all matters of existance especially in frequencies. Our planet is going to vibrate at a highter level. - - Mother earth is going to change by nature, but human kind by will, and only those that decide to carry frequencies that are compateble with the new ones in the earth by 2012 will surbyve. AND THAT A LOGIC FRACTOR DON,T YOU GUYS THINK!!!! - Higher frequensy higher life.... - - If any one whant's to know a little bit more regarding this theory contact me . I will answer any questions give you tip's on how to raice your frequecies and surbive!!!!
(13.09.2005, 01:00)

Well I don't really know what to say, all I know is that we all expect so many things that some people don't even know what to believe anymore. What will really happen in 2012 we won't know it until then we may figuire out somethings but who knows if it will happen that way or if it will even happen!! anyways by the time it happens we won't be able to do anything to help ourselves. If you know something and you are 1000% sure it will happen please send me an email, because I don't really know what to believe.
(13.09.2005, 16:55)

samuel l jackson:
damn you, you always take my comments away, - I AM GOD
(15.09.2005, 12:11)

love me:
the world is going to randomly explode. - everyone and everything will die instnatly.
(18.09.2005, 22:33)

Anyone who believes this is an idiot, OH NOES I'M DOOMED!!!
(21.09.2005, 17:17)

little johnny:
Will santa claus die too?
(22.09.2005, 11:01)

20 of 51 comments (part 1) [ » ] [ * ]

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Script by Alex


Copyright ©Robert Bast 2008
All rights reserved
Survive 2012