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Cataclysm? How?
 - Maybe Eta Carinae?

 - Introduction / Ouroboros
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Ancient Greece & China
DNA & the I Ching
Were Dragons Real?

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 - 2012: Year of the Dragon

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2012: The Year of the Dragon

Far off, unknown, beyond the range of thought,
scarce reached by gods, the years' rough haggard mother,
stands a primeval Cave in whose vast breast,
is Time's cradle and womb. A Serpent encloses,
the Cave, consuming all things with slow power,
and green scales always glinting. Its mouth devours,
the backbent tail as with mute motion it traces,
its beginning. At the entrance Nature sits,
the threshold-guardian, aged and yet lovely,
and round her gather and flit on every side Spirits.
A Venerable Man writes down immutable laws.
He fixes the number of stars in every constellation,
makes some of them move and others hang at rest.
So all things live or die by predetermined laws...
When the Sun rested on the cave's wide threshold,
Nature ran in her might to meet him; the Old Man bent
grey hairs to the proud rays
. [1]

Claudian (c. 370-408), Roman poet

Of all the world's monsters, the dragon appears to be the most universal.  Dragons appear in the early literature of the English, German, Irish, Danish, Norse, Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, and Egyptians - and in oral tales from every inhabited corner of the globe.

The word "dragon" is derived from the Latin dracon, which came from the Greek word for serpent, spakov.  Spakov can be traced to the Greek aorist verb, spakelv meaning "sharp-sighted one" (a reference to the perceived good vision of snakes), and is related to many other ancient words to do with sight, such as darc (Sanskrit for see), derc (Old Irish for eye), torht  (Old Saxon) and zoraht (Old High German) which both mean clear, or bright.

The distinctions between words that describe dragons and snakes are often blurred, and are to some degree interchangeable.  The old German word for dragon, "lindwurm", literally means "snake-worm" The ancient Anglo-Saxon word "wyrm" has been translated as meaning any of "dragon," "serpent," or "worm".  An English folktale which dates back to the early fifteenth century tells of Sir John Lambton battling "the Worm."  The original story makes no mention of this "worm" having legs.  Early pictorial representations of dragons were almost always shown as large snakes, but from the sixteenth century onward images associated with the Lambton story are of four-legged dragons.  We must consider ancient dragons to be more like giant serpents, and less like the more modern fantasy images that we know so well from role-playing games and books like The Hobbit.

The Bible interchanges the words dragon and serpent liberally.

"When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child."

"Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth."

(Revelation 12:7)

[ A good Biblical description of a dragon can be found at Job 41 ]

The themes of chaos and disaster are often linked to dragon lore, as well as the processes of fertility and re-birth, and the revolutions of the cosmos.

 This is just a small portion of my online book, Survive 2012 - a look into possible ways our world might end, and how to survive. Available in bookstores sometime before 2012, fingers-crossed...


Dragons or serpents having importance in the cosmos are present in most ancient cultures.  Also common is the image of a serpent swallowing its own tail. It is commonly known as the Ouroborus/ Uroboros.


The image is from The Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra - an alchemical tome. The words in the centre mean "the all is one".  The dark and light halves represent the same opposing principles as the Chinese yin and yang.


Old Sages by the Figure of the Snake
Encircled thus did oft expression make
Of Annual-Revolutions; and of things,
Which wheele about in everlasting-rings;
There ending, where they first of all begun ..
...These Roundells, help to shew the Mystery
of that immense and blest Eternitie,
From whence the CREATURE sprung, and into whom
It shall again, with full perfection come ... [2]


( image of unknown source)

Rattlesnake Disk of Moundville AL

North American Indians

A ceremonial disk found at Moundville, Alabama, USA (diameter 12.5 inches)

[curious about the eye in the hand? Visit - a very large single page]

The Ouroborus was known as far back as the twenty-first dynasty in Egypt, on the papyrus of Dama Heroub.  It shows up in alchemical texts such as Chrysopoeia and Codex Marcianus, and the Greeks used it to symbolise the universe.  It represents the revolutions of the cosmos, an eternal cycle of destruction and renewal.  It shows catastrophism and the re-emergence of life at its most basic.

Dragon Myths

1. Introduction / Ouroboros
Next >>> 2. African / Scandinavian / Babylonian
3. The Americas
4. Ancient Greece & China
5. DNA & the I Ching
6. Were Dragons Real?

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Discuss Survive 2012 at our forum

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Comments from Visitors

I beleive the world will "rebuild" itself after the major event happens. The world can't really "end". Woa, I havent looked at this site forever... - Anyways, thanks for reading my proof of the destrustion of life on earth. If you have any comments etc., e-mail me
(13.11.2004, 00:23)

Can all of this collective energy from "commentors" be used a bit more constructively?.. I wonder. Is it possible that all of "us" fabulously researched and connected individuals who seem to "know" our future may possibly be able to use this insight and knowledge on a broader range in order to help educate and guide our "clueless" or possibly "mis guided" fellow human beings toward a brighter future for the betterment of all man-kind? Just a thought - Thank you for the research share!
(28.12.2004, 22:28)

I accept the maya were clever, but didn't they practice human sacrifice in order to prevent what they claim to be inevitable? - The one weak link in all this truth seeking is human speculation. I have no doubt that the universe in its vastness turns as it does, I also have no doubt that we are of little import within it. - This may frighten or offend many and that is perhaps how this whole quest started. - nothing is forever anywhere..only perhaps in our incredulous imaginations.
(14.01.2005, 01:08)

Could you pls instruct me on the meaning of the word Chrysopoeia ? [from Rob Bast: no idea]
(16.01.2005, 17:25)

what ever "Chrysopeia" means there are 797 listings for it in Google. May I suggest you start there. - chrysogerul,chrysolite etc.etc (look in a dictionary) is all pertaining to the colour I sugest you go from there.
(20.01.2005, 22:05)

chrysopeia ..a term used in alchemy ..pertaining to Gold making
(20.01.2005, 22:13)

Think about this one SUPA CHRIS "There won't be any history, we'll all be dead". - The reason G W Bush holds to this view is because ... He is a "born again" Baptist who believes in the "rapture" and the second coming of Christ. This may not make him an idiot but it may as well, it certainly makes him dangerous.
(13.02.2005, 02:55)

hey im righting a paper about the mayans and was wondering if they really made a clock that was only 13 seconds from satillite time?
(22.02.2005, 10:19)

Craig D. E.:
I have a theory.A society (isolated) could advance before others.Look at our own, and how in the past 200 yrs we've gone from horse and buggy to computers and the moon.Just because we know about electricity doesn't mean each of us could build a lightbulb and power it from scratch.If an advanced society did exist and a small portion of those people survived, they would try to educate thier children in thier new dark age state.Unfortunatly the need to survive would out-weigh the need to pass knowledge.Much would be lost, but the need to warn the future peoples would be evident. Signs and warnings have been put in place for us.These are not as clear as they could be, right?It is safe to assume that some of the current languages would survive.So store a wealth of knowledge at some point in space, say in capsules. Program it them to retun to earth at point in the future to utilize this knowledge and rebuild.We have the means and the know-how.It is said that the lost city of Atlantis had airplanes. Could they have been mere decades away from space travel. There are hints of thier survival...math,enginering,agriculture, and so on. Purhaps this was the best they could do to pass on thier knowledge. The meaning behind thier warnings were lost as a result of no written records. If things aren't written down they are forgotten or become folk lore.This is my theory, what do you think?
(25.02.2005, 23:41)

Ive been hearing alot of talk lately that people have discovered a real dragon trapped in ice, like a mammoth would be. im skeptical, but id like to learn more about it. i thought id just share that. i also heard tho that the calandar we use is a few years off, which i find perplexing. it seems my spiritual and intellectual endeavors never end...v.v - Another thing id like to mention is that science only proves the existance of God. thats what i believe, for science can never answer the question of "How we got here" they can figure out a scientific process, but they have yet to figure out how all of this came to be something from what should be nothing. however, i do believe in science, but i beleive that just because science disproves many religious theories meant to explain our universe, that does not mean it disproves God. Infact, religion and science work very well - ...together.
(02.03.2005, 19:40)

Barney Breet:
Fire Breathing Dragons, a myth? Maybe not, too much mention from all corners of the earth over the millennia. Descendants from marine dragons (i.e, Nessie)who survived meteor strike 65 millions of years ago, into the last millennia. (St Georges Dragon?). Not so far farfetched...
(05.03.2005, 15:48)

Templar King:
when dealing with date's especially 2012 - we must consider a few things - first, the year today we know as 2005 is ONLY calander time, not solar/commic time - as used by the ancients. The star of bethlehem has been accuratly dated to 7BC *mars jupitor conjunction 3 times in piceses* - so we are in calander terms 7 years ahead of the real time used by the ancients - which was the stars. Therefor all documented dates from before the gregorian and other calander changes took effect are 7 years past the correct date - meaning: - 2005 in calander years IS 2012 in star years. - As a side note may 28th is the next "star of bethlehem* conjunction, only this time with all 7 planets. So....Get your bottled water or pray or whatever - 2012 is this year!!! - REX MUNDI
(06.03.2005, 08:35)

i really like this site, and lots of you ask cool questions...check this site out, esp. these 2 links i've pasted here...many are asking "where we came from" and this site has quite the mind blowing articles that make you think...check it out - - - - -
(14.03.2005, 17:14)

John Blackburn:
My own theory on dragons and major catastrophes is that there is a tenth planet which periodically swoops in close to the sun, dragging (no pun intended!) an entourage of asteroids/meteorites with it. The incursion of these bodies into our atmosphere would appear as roaring, fiery, snakelike phenomena in the sky. The end result would be smoking caves in hillsides and hot "eggs" scattered around. The obvious explanation--dragons!
(18.04.2005, 14:37)

First of all....humans in technically advanced countries are morons. Most of our lives our based on sex, don't get me wrong I love sex as much as the next guy. We are also the only species that destroys itself. We are idiots. We may be the best off right now, but when the pole shift happens we will not survive. We lack the "savage or basic survival skills." Countries that we consider "third world" will be the ones that prosper. They have not lived with all the things we take for granted, they are still in survival mode. And another thing there is no angry creator, it is just a cycle. People who live by the bible base there lives on a lie, to live by it is like living by Star Wars or The Lord of the Rings. Science has not proved where we come from and neither has religion. If you ask your preacher or priest who created god, he will tell you not to ask, b/c he doesn't know b/c there is no god. I for one think that the rebuilding of the human civilization will be good for us, we have lost all essence of what life really is. We rely too much on material things and what is right and wrong. It is ironic that i say that and am using a computer. Good luck to all when it happens. If you survive pass on to your children the true way of life.
(23.04.2005, 18:21)

The Supreme Atheist:
Whether by galactic forces, cooling of the core, or our own star the Sun, Earth is doomed. Religious people are merely arrogance in human form. Their inability to conceive of a Universe without them is proof of that. To me VV Cephei is God. It's unbelievable size and the effects it will have on Space when it explodes dwarfs any power man attributes to it's imaginary superdeities. I am very happy I am not one of the sheep blindly following priests or reverends without asking even the most basic questions which render religion for what it is, wishful thinking. I sure would like to know what they plan on doing in 70 quadrillion years as they cruise through Eternity. The notion is so absurd it stuns me that so many people profess belief in a god. No superintelligence would be within 500 parsecs of Man, if it was truly intelligent that is. Far more wondrous and exciting that we came from the furnaces of a star long gone Supernova. I am sad that my 12 year wedding anniversary is the so called date of destruction. I truly believe, and have believed for many years that all of us will see terrible things in the years ahead. I think the tsunami was the beginning, but I hope I am wrong. The destruction of Planet Earth is an inevitability and no opinion or theory of Man's will matter in the end. This website is a pleasure to ponder upon, thanks.
(30.04.2005, 01:21)

i think you need to also mention and research kundalini, the "serpent within" and the trancendental force of the hindu vedic meditation tradition represented a serpent that rises from the base of the back to the head.
(31.05.2005, 13:19)

J McCracken:
"Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My"...Has anyone bothered to research the "Celtic Cross"? ( & The "Serpent " (a.k.a. Draconis) is the constellation used by some acient sea faring navigators (Merchant Illuminati?) to tell time (very precisely) in order to find their global position. This would really be a nifty trick (secret advantage) way back when the Earth was still flat. Uh Oh...I hear the Earth is changing shape again (becoming flatter) according to a new corporate philosophy (hyper-communications brings everywhere, everyone and everthing closer and into view). WOW, that sounds almost Celestine...
(25.06.2005, 11:36)

I remember a Simpson's episode when the family went to China to adopt a baby girl for Marge's sister Selma. In this particular episode, there was a dragon flying by the window of their plane. At the very end of the program, there are 3 flying dragons now flying with the plane returning to the US, but they start singing, "American jerks are going home, Now we sleep for a thousand years. When we wake the world will end." (Credits) I found that very creepy. The Simpson's are a very popular show and not just in the US. Do you think that this has anything to do with what may happen in 2012, maybe a sly message from Matt Groening (creator of the simpsons).
(11.09.2005, 20:01)

the aztec symbol is quetzocuatl who is half bird half serpent. The image of him consuming his own tail, i believe, symbolizes infinity. I heard this at a museum when i saw a similar aztec image. It could have been mayan. but nonetheless the guide said it was quetzocuatl
(11.09.2005, 20:55)

20 of 52 comments (part 1) [ » ] [ * ]

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Script by Alex

[1] Claudian, full name Claudius Claudianus (c. 370-408), Roman poet. This passage ends the second book of his poem, On the Consulship of Stilicho

[2] George Wither's A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne (London, 1635)


Copyright ©Robert Bast 2008
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Survive 2012