is home to the most famous pyramids of all, three well-formed examples located
at Giza on the outskirts of Cairo. Just as there are pyramids throughout the
world, it should come as no surprise that Egypt has more than just these three.
Egyptologists have actually catalogued over 90 major pyramids that were built
over the course of 1,000 years (roughly 2600-1550 BC).
the pyramids can be found close to the west bank (none on the east bank) of the
Nile, with the majority found along a 17-kilometre stretch incorporating Abu Ghurob,
Saqqara and Dashur. Giza is 11 kilometres further north. Because of their size
and relative proximity, when visiting a site it is quite normal to see other pyramids
on the horizon.
Although each Egyptian pyramid
has individual features, they are far more alike than houses in our modern suburban
streets. The shape we know. The heights range from 17 to 146 metres, with the
faces at an angle to the base of 42-57 degrees, with a couple of 18 metre pyramids
attaining more than 70 degrees.
The largest pyramids
were built in quick succession:
truly gigantic stone pyramids were built over the course of only three generations:
Sneferu, Khufu and Khafre. If Sneferu did indeed build the Meidum pyramid as
well as his two stone pyramids at Dashur, his pyramids alone contain more than
3.5 million cu. m (124 million cu ft.) of stone. All the other pyramids of Egyptian
kings combined (excluding queens' and other satellite pyramids) contain only 41
per cent of the total mass of the pyramids of Sneferu, his son Khufu and grandson
Khafre." [1]
is just a small portion of my online book, Survive 2012 - a look into possible
ways our world might end, and how to survive. Available in bookstores sometime
before 2012, fingers-crossed... |
makes sense, on first impressions, to label these pyramids as gigantic mausoleums
for deceased pharaohs. They typically contain secret entrances and passages,
some which lead to rooms underneath the pyramid, and some that just come to an
abrupt dead-end. The main rooms have stress-relieving chambers above them - to
stop the immense weight crushing down and destroying whatever was in the room.
These rooms have contained sarcophagi, but never with a body still within,
which has prompted alternative researchers to look for other, non-burial purposes
for these structures. Some sarcophagi were even found closed and sealed, yet
still empty!
Ancient Egyptian texts have mentioned
80 men being required to set the lid on a stone sarcophagus. This is in keeping
with the overall immensity of size and weight. The pyramids represent inconceivable
size and unbearable weight. To my thinking they represent the scale between the
ordinary and the incredible, between a simple burial chamber and a pyramid, between
a standard earthquake or hurricane and a global cataclysm.
close proximity to the major pyramids, there are usually temples and/or satellite
pyramids - miniatures commonly known as Queens' pyramids. These can also contain
passages and chambers.
The Great Pyramid of Cheops/Khufu
pharaoh Khufu reigned for 23 years from 2789 to 2767 BC, and it is the accepted
orthodox view that he constructed the Great Pyramid as his personal tomb. However,
the pharaoh's body was not found within it, nor any treasure, or anything remotely
related to a funeral. No mummy has ever been found in a pyramid in Egypt. Mummies
have always come from mastabas or tombs in the Valley of the Kings.
researchers have come up with an array of alternative dates for the construction
of the Giza pyramids. But if we rule out the endless possibilities of inter-galactic
visitors, there are no solid theories as to who else could possibly have made
Great Pyramid is huge. Its base covers 13.6 acres and for its weight estimates
vary between 5.75 - 6.5 million tons, based on 2.3 - 2.6 million blocks. [2] Napoleon's surveyors calculated that the three Giza pyramids
contained so much stone that they could build a three metres high by one metre
thick wall around the perimeter of France with it.
pyramid is located at 29 degrees, 58 minutes, 51.06 seconds north latitude, and
31 degrees, 9 minutes, and 0.0 seconds east longitude. This is very close to
30 degrees north, and it has been suggested that the Giza Plateau was the best
spot to place such an immense weight, whereas other areas would not be able to
cope. [3] The line of 30 degrees latitude is only a mile or two the
north, so they may have thought it was the best they could do, short of building
an unstable pyramid that might not last the required millennia.
believe that Giza is a special location that is at the centre of the earth's land
mass. If you follow the east/west parallel around the globe, it crosses more
land than any other parallel. The same goes for the north/south meridian that
intersects with Giza. These two lines also cross in the ocean.
Although there appears to be more land along the Russia / Alaska
parallel, if you use a globe this illusion disappears. |
has been made of the extreme accuracy of the Great Pyramid's alignment to north,
with less than 1/15 of one degree of error. [4] However, this might be the least remarkable feature, when
you consider the math that has been built into it (see below).
top of the two giant pyramids are at the same height, although the Great Pyramid
is actually larger because its base is lower. A lot of effort was put into creating
this effect:
"the base of Khufu's pyramid is level
to within just 2.1 building the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre the ancient
masons started on a sloping plateau c. 7-10 m (23-33 ft) higher than the
eventual base and in each case left a massif of rock in the body of the pyramid" [5]
It is hard enough to fathom why
this design aspect was so important in Giza, without considering that in Teotihuacan,
Mexico they did the same thing with their Pyramids of the Sun and Moon.
feature which is rarely mentioned is that the four faces of the pyramid are slightly
concave, a feature probably unduplicated anywhere else, ever. Some say that this
curvature is the same as the earth itself, which would add weight to ideas regarding
the pyramid as a model of our planet.
centre of each side is indented to form an eight-sided pyramid. The effect is
not visible from the ground or from a distance but only from the air, and then
only under the proper lighting conditions.
measurement used in the construction of the pyramid is known as the pyramid inch
"PI". It is equal to 1.0011 modern inches. Twenty-five pyramid inches
made up one "Sacred Cubit".
The perimeter
of the pyramid's base divided by twice its height equals "pi" to 5 decimal places:
/ 5813*2 = 3.141579+
The dimensions used are pyramid
inches, but because this is a ratio, any form of measurement will give the same
result. In this way it is future proof, in that alien beings could arrive and
inspect it thousands of years from now, and still derive pi.
makes this extraordinary is what is required to make this ratio occur - the slope
of the pyramid's sides needs to be precisely 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 14.3
seconds. Of the 90 major pyramids in Egypt, the Great pyramid of Giza is the
only one with this angle.
The perimeter of the base
is equal to the calendar year - 365.24 pyramid cubits
many other equations have been discovered, with dozens of books consisting of
not much more than pyramid numbers. Some are ridiculous, and most are hard to
prove without a single, definitive source of measurements. Many are so complicated
that they appear contrived.
By focussing on the
few definites - location, size, angle and alignment, we can be certain that someone,
long ago, was trying to impress upon us that they knew things. They wanted our
Nowadays located in northern Sudan, the ancient kingdom
of Nubia had an incredible 180 pyramids. Admittedly, some were only a few metres
in height, however a few attained a height of 40 metres or more. Built much later
than their Egyptian counterparts, they were created in the last millennium BC
through until about 350 AD, and situated along the banks of the Nile. For more
information, see Mark Lehner's "The Complete Pyramids". Ziggurats
probably heard of the biblical Tower of Babel. The word "Babel", in its original
Akkadian language means "the gate to god". In Mesopotamia attempts to recreate
the Tower of Babel were known as ziggurats - man-made mountains with a shrine
at the top.
A ziggurat is a pyramidal, stepped temple
tower. characteristic of the major cities of Mesopotamia (now in Iraq) from about
2200 until 500 BC. The ziggurat was always built with a core of mud brick and
an exterior covered with baked brick. It had no internal chambers and was usually
square or rectangular, averaging either 170 feet square or 125
170 feet
50 metres)
at the base. Approximately 25 ziggurats are known, being equally divided in number
among Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria.
No ziggurat
is preserved to its original height. Ascent was by an exterior triple stairway
or by a spiral ramp, but for almost half of the known ziggurats, no means of ascent
has been discovered. The sloping sides and terraces were often landscaped with
trees and shrubs (hence the Hanging Gardens of Babylon). The best-preserved ziggurat
is at Ur. The largest, at Chogha Zanbil in Elam, is 335 feet (102 m) square and
80 feet (24 m) high and stands at less than half its estimated original height.
The legendary Tower of Babel has been popularly associated with the ziggurat of
the great temple of Marduk in Babylon. [7]
As you can see from the photos,
ziggurats do not have the geometric beauty of their cousins the pyramids. Yet,
when broken down to components, they are very similar - religious purpose (typically
there was a shrine at the summit), gigantic size, stepped and stair cased. They
are also very old - the Ur ziggurat dates to the 25th century BC,
making it contemporaneous with the Giza pyramids. Therefore I feel that they
belong in our studies of pyramids and their purpose. Turkey
Nemrut, Kâhta is a natural mountain (2150m), with a 50 metre artificial peak
built on top. It was constructed as a tomb for King Antinochus I during the period
80 B.C-72 B.C. If pyramids are meant to represent mountains, the builders of
this one have gone a step further by placing it on top of a real mountain.
Not just an artificial mound, this site features huge
(10 metre high) statues.
Discuss Survive
2012 at our forumGive the author your thoughts, and discuss any 2012
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Comments from Visitors
bill: i know exactly why there are so many pyramids, pyrmids used to serve as ancient landing docks for alien motherships. that were pyrmid shape. (24.04.2004, 23:00)
yo momma: ok bill (04.05.2004, 22:32)
Rob: Been watching too much Stargate, Bill? (10.05.2004, 06:09)
Nameless: Egypt and Nubia are in Africa. Nubian has many more than 180
- pyramids and burial mounds. The oldest burial mound in the world is in the Sahara.
- There are hundreds of thousands of burial mounds in Africa from Nubia to Senegal.
- These mounds are filled with skeletons and artifacts. You ignore the place where
- it alll started. Strange.
- Before there was Egypt, there was Nubia and the Sahara.
- I-Ching is nice. But, look up Ifa. Look up Nommo.
- So much you are missing. (10.05.2004, 21:44)
Gary Dickerson: It is hard to be complete on a topic so broad as this. Yet you openned my eyes to see more of what I love to read about, history. I look forward to updates and additional links to more of this.. Good work it is just not finished yet.. thanks (11.05.2004, 17:49)
mat: The work is not finished and with so much ancient knowledge destroyed,the facts might never be found.But we can utilize our spirit power (believe or not but u have this research this much u will have know about the spirit etc) we can find real truth (12.05.2004, 21:39)
TravisMorency: i think your website is very cool lots of informathion and games rlley cool blueprinnts of pyramids evything is very cool (04.06.2004, 12:59)
7 of 27 comments (part 2) [
] [ *
] The comments section is now closed, but you can still email me, or even
better, visit 2012 Forum
Script by Alex
[1] The Complete Pyramids, Mark Lehner, page 15 (Thames
and Hudson, London, 1997)
[2] The World Atlas of Mysteries, Francis Hitching,
page 67 (Pan, London, 1979)
[4] The Complete Pyramids, Mark Lehner, page 212 (Thames
and Hudson, London, 1997)
[5] The Complete Pyramids, Mark Lehner, page 214 (Thames
and Hudson, London, 1997)
[7] Britannica,5716,80472+1+78369,00.html