Steve Martin:
Hi everyone, of all the doomsday predictions, I feel this is certainly one, if not the most likely scenario we will face. I have thought of how the oceans might change, and how the earth will vibrate from the change in direction. Currently, I am at a loss, to come up with a solution for this. How does one survive a flood. No ordinary flood, but the flood of floods. If Noah's story is correct, then mass flooding, with huge waves, will befall us all. So does anyone have any ideas on what type of house, could be built, that would allow it to be submerged for a brief period. Or perhaps even a ship, that could weather the most fearce storms imaginable? I even considered a sub, but how easy, with the oceans mass changing, it could be peirced, by debris, or smashed against rocks.
(22.06.2004, 06:22)
umm... buddy, if Noah's story is correct, God promised never to flood the world again. hahaha so let it go
(09.07.2004, 14:21)
what about going hot air ballooning for a few days in 2012 as Venus flies by the sun?
(20.07.2004, 15:26)
You know what im going to do? Walk outside and welcome the 3k high waves and everything else that follows. What's the use of trying to live in a hot air ballon or a submarine for an extra week or when ever, that's no life to live. In my opinion forget about all this stuff and go on normally and if it happens let it happen.
(01.08.2004, 14:19)
Casey, Scallion, Lori Toye Davis, Nostradamus, and the Pyramid PI scale prophesies of 1999 and 5/5/2000 did not come true. What's to say that 2012 prophesy will be more hot air? Live your life on a daily basis and accept what may come. To prepare for an unknown is impossible.
(03.09.2004, 14:19)
Rob Bast:
Dave: None of the predictions mentioned had any sensible science behind them. Mine does, but the date is only a possibility. Do you have insurance for your car or home? I would call that preparing for the unknown. All I ask is that humans take out a little insurance for our species...
(05.09.2004, 16:33)
Well, if this all happens like I think it will, there is no point in having kids now, we are all just going to die in the most frightful end possible. What a bummer.
(05.10.2004, 16:34)
AV Subbarao:
According to Hinduism, we still have 10000 yrs to go before Kaliyuga ends and Maha Pralaya starts!
(21.12.2004, 20:29)
What my question to you, Robert, or anyone else thas has a vast knowledge of this subject, is if instead of you working alone researching, and inventing ways of survival (ie. where whould be an ideal place to construct a survival sanctuary, or an existing one) that some other qualified, sane, intellectually superior person could help work on this subject alongside you? It seems that "Mountain high waves" and pole reversals cannot be evaded by one researcher/for lack of a better word, theorizer. I am not volunteering, just suggesting, on the behalf of not just our, but our beloved pet's and animal's survival.
(11.01.2005, 22:14)
i read the orion prophecy by patrick geryl. todays date is 1-27-2005, even if we humans do everything we can possibly imagine, plan, and execute to "survive" such an event as pole shift, there really wouldnt be any surviving to it after all, because of what will be left of the earth.
- it takes a long time for topsoil to evolve, for gases to disperse, for atmosphere to turn back into what we breath as "air".
- seriously, we all know how society has changed from the time the last pole shift happened.
- lets be honest, people arent like they use to be.
- there are still going to be criminals, dangers from our own kind, manipulators claiming to be leaders, etc.
- and,the ones who do survive will perish, due to various causes that we arent even thinking of,so,what child will survive that?
- think about it on its true scale people,
- i think we should really try to live life as much as we can now,right now,today.
- who knows when we will die,a person could get ready for this event for the literal "rest of their lives", and step out to get that last thing, and get shot, hit by a truck, or have a heart attack.
- you know?
- dont give up because the end is near,but enjoy what is here, now.
- they say "busy livin',or busy dyin'"
- its true people,count your life as you live it,i am.
- thanks for letting me voice my opinion
- pamela.
(27.01.2005, 16:45)
heres one more small thought, what if something ~ different~ happens this time not even waiting until 2012 for this happen?
- i mean, we are a very small system of planets here with our sun...whats not to say that somewhere out in the vast reaches of space, something the mayans and egyptians wouldnt be able to fortell, an enourmous collision happens that takes us, earth, our sun, venus, a-n-d the constellation orion out of the mix completely...?
- bingo!
- nuff said........go live your life man.....neet book though!
(27.01.2005, 16:52)
hey everyone, when reading this it hit me that a deceleration and acceleration of the plannet would be quite phenomenal, i feel that if this is too happen then the most likey is that maybe a massive commet is to hit us to make the reversal. P.L.U.R.
(25.02.2005, 13:28)
Ottevaere Bjorn:
zijn er geen belgische sites waar Patrick Geryl zijn laatste bevindingen in uitlegt?
(15.03.2005, 14:51)
(02.04.2005, 04:05)
so if north becomes south south becomes north,what will happen to the constellations, the north star polaris? will it be called polaris the south star? [Yes - Rob]
(12.04.2005, 18:06)
No point trying to survive the catastophy! I fthe earth's electromagnetic field reversed all power and electricity would fail. Anything with even the smallest motor would explode. No electronic devises would operate. Inculding electricity needed to keep nuclear reactors cool. Even if you did survive the floods, earthqueakes, volcanoes, the earth would become a nuclear wasteland in a matter of months. Every living thing would doe from radioavtive waste. What a pity, killed by our own destructive technology! How long can we destroy the earth before it fights back?
(24.04.2005, 14:58)
You guys are all funny. Ever heard of the indigenous people of Australia, who have been quietly wandering our lovely continent down under for at least 50,000 years (whoops, sorry creationists), ever worry about the end of the world?
- Obviously Australia is a nice safe place to live - nothing ever happens to us. [I live in Australia also - Rob Bast]
(26.04.2005, 21:57)
hi. the only way to survive is to escape to the mountains. preferably the himalayas. or nepal. good luck.
(30.04.2005, 12:14)
well if the seas are gonna change places, couldnt we just build a underwater city, close to the shore so as pressures wouldnt destroy it, and after the sea has moved somewhere else we'd be sucking diesel!
(18.07.2005, 19:26)
prehaps this is why the governments have begun building the international space station, as a method to save the best and brightest. it makes sense if the planet is gonna be in a right bad state, then get off it.
(18.07.2005, 19:32)
Where do the huge forces come from to reverse the rotation of the Earth? On Whitley Strieber's Dreamland, Patrick Geryl suggested that the sun would erupt, discharging charged particles sufficient to creat a magnetic field around the Earth to interact with the Earth's field. There are several things wrong with this. First, charged particles are given off by the sun in flares are fairly uniform in spatial distribution over the size of the Earth by the time they have reached it, and go into orbit about the magnetic field existing at the Earth. They contribut to the field and more particles follow. While there is some turbulence, on average there is no torque which would cause the poles to flip and no force in the direction of the rotation of the Earth. I repeat, there is NO force in the direction of the rotation of the planet resulting from emissions from the Sun.
(17.08.2005, 15:21)
dear Ottevaere Bjorn,
- The official P.Geryl website is
(31.08.2005, 13:07)
I'll bet old doomsayer Geryal got a real hardon writing this crap (from the website):
- "The earth will be subjected to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description. Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources will have been completely destroyed. That will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar reversal. And it is in this scenario you will have to try to survive."
(01.09.2005, 02:28)
As you have been doing I have been studying these Maya prophecy of 2012,Dec,21/22 during more than 25 years now and there is a corroboration to all these...the St Malaquias prophecy of the list of the Popes left...and according to that list is only One more Pope left...precisely to end in 2012...No more Popes ..Why..? because a great catastrophe will be happening...and the opnly way of surviving is contsructing a balloon and wait in the air during those 2 will have the winds changing..but I can not see another way of surviving from the Sea getting out and the Mountains movement.
- This is the only partial solution that I have found..I hope it will be useful for your readers.
- Adolfo Araya - 2 Sept 2005
(01.09.2005, 23:19)
Adolfo, come and eat your tacos, they're getting cold.
- Nigger.
(14.09.2005, 02:38)
So, Anon keeps taunting, how come his unsuitable comments don't get deleted?
- Well, i'm gonna stop reading his ****ing lines, pissin' me off for isn't worth it.
(14.09.2005, 06:45)
koaz, while your at it go stick your head in the toilet. there's more than one anon, anyone who doesn't put their emaikl address is annon, so you don't even know which anon your reading! What an idiot.
(15.09.2005, 02:53)
Yeah, Like I'm Anon also and I haven't written any unsuitable comments. Quit point fingers, Kaoz. It's terrib;y bad netiquette.
(15.09.2005, 02:55)
Now this is a bunch of Bull****! I wrote a ****in letter to NASA! They said nothing about pole reversals. Oh thats right. The pess isnt "into u" Can u say TURNOFF? Ur just some lozer who likes scaring ppl. Go find a life thats not from the discount table at 7-11 tweeger.
(15.09.2005, 09:28)
Somone has to tell me if this is 100% guarenteed to happen. I have a few ideas as to how to survive. We can go by boat to the middl e of the ocean.That way, if a tsunami heads toward us we wont be in danger. Tsunamis are only dangerous to near land objects. At sea there only about 2-3 feet big. You'd be lucky to even notice one. Bring a good supply of food and water and survival tools. That way, you can be prepared if you find land. Or, you can head to the mountains. You can be above the once peacful planet. Because when tidal waves hit, all hell breaks loose. You'd be safe that way. After the hellhole that once was our home has cleared up you can be safe and sound until another asteroid hits or something. I got nothing on an asteroid. So you figure that part out yourself. Anyway try an idea and hope for the best. Good luck to you all.
(15.09.2005, 09:44)
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