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Ancient Egypt books

The Giza Power Plant : Technologies of Ancient Egypt by Christopher P. Dunn
In writing The Giza Power Plant, mechanical engineer Christopher Dunn
reverse-engineered the Great Pyramid at Giza to discover its use. Dunn
concludes that the pyramids were built with a technology superior to any presently
in use and that they were "the power plants of the ancient Egyptians." He says
the builders of the pyramids used them to convert the Earth's "vibrational energy
into microwave energy." That energy "was most likely used for the same reasons
we would use it today--to power machines and appliances." Photographs
and illustrations explain and support his theories. Available
cheaper from Amazon or other

of the Sphinx by Paul Jordan Jordan details everything we know about
the Sphinx--its structure, its geology, its place in Egyptian history, the cultural
context in which it was made, the place of the Sphinx in Egyptian society thereafter,
etc. etc. In this sense, the book is especially valuable in explaining in a highly
readable fashion the scientific and historical basis for placing the origin of
the Sphinx at about 2500 BCE. You will not find a clearer account of how such
scientific reasoning works. At the same time, Jordan is quite fair in admitting
where scientists and historians are simply guessing, or where they know nothing
at all. Available
cheaper from Amazon or other
Chamber by Robert Bauval "Unusual, provokative and Pure Hermetic
Magic! Secret Chamber is an unusual and provokative work, bringing into focus
the complex but magical notions of Hermetic Thinking and its origins in very ancient
Egypt. It weaves a strange plot across the ages which, as if by enchantment, find
its way to the peak of the Great Pyramid on the eve of the Millennium. Many will
criticise this book. Many will love it. It is that kind of book. It stirs the
mind and the soul and induces them to magical thinking. Love it or hate it. That's
the sort I thrill to read. A wonderful Hermetic journey awaits those who are endowed
with the ability to be awed by this world and it's past. There is magic at the
Pyramids, and Bauval has sniffed it out. Well done!" (A reader from
London) (Not available from USA bookstores)
cheaper from Amazon UK or other

Voices of the Rocks : A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations
by Robert M. Schoch Ph.D Asked to investigate the Sphinx at Giza, Schoch
was troubled to find evidence of a much greater age than the 4,500 years suggested
by Egyptologists. This led him to examine the possibility of a lost civilization
dating back to at least 10,000 B.C. Looking at linguistic, geological, and archaeological
evidence from around the world, he proposes an outline of prehistory that differs
markedly from our received wisdom--after all, if the Lascaux cave paintings really
are star maps, then we've got a lot of catching up to do. Schoch's willingness
to dismiss implausible evidence and to use Occam's razor to cut away unnecessary
complications is admirable and refreshing in a field in which credulity pays and
skepticism is viewed with deep suspicion. Ending on a note of warning, Voices
of the Rocks reminds us that by weakening the planet, we have made ourselves much
more vulnerable to the next global cataclysm, which may come at any time.
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Orion Mystery : Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids by Robert Bauval, Adrian
Gilbert Bauval and Gilbert have spent over ten years investigating the
mysteries of the pyramids. Their conclusions have split the academic establishment
Best on the Subject I have read many "wacky" theories
on the pyramids over the years. I thought that this would be one more. Instead,
I found it to be well researched, and quite logical. It brought me into a deeper
meaning of the religious beliefs of ancient Egypt. There were no alien or U.F.O.
theories, or outlandish claims. It was a refreshing , and in my opinion, valid
theory regarding the thoughts and ideas behind the building of a "wonder of the
world". [A reader from canada , May 21, 1998] Available
cheaper from Amazon or other
Message of the Sphinx : A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by Graham
Hancock, Robert Bauval In this riveting account of historical and archaeological
investigation, the authors present hard evidence that the Sphinx, the Pyramids,
and the other monuments at Giza are of far more ancient origin than previously
believed. Complete with evidence of a conspiracy between the Egyptology establishment
and various confidential organizations to keep the secrets of the Pyramids from
the world, The Message of the Sphinx is also a modern-day detective story. Lots
of photos. Available
cheaper from Amazon or other
The Serpent in the Sky : The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt by John Anthony
West "Serpent in the Sky" is primarily concerned with popularizing the
otherwise inaccessible work of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, who spent a great deal
of time making exhaustive measurements of the Temple of Luxor and subsequently
incorporated his findings into a comprehensive reinterpretation of ancient Egypt
known as "Symbolism." A final chapter and a pair of appendices summarize West's
investigation of an offhand comment of Schwaller de Lubicz that the Sphinx appears
to be weathered by water, with the conclusion that such weathering necessitates
a redating of the Sphinx's carving to at least 5000-7000 BCE and perhaps much
further in the past. Available
cheaper from Amazon or other

of Eden by Andrew Collins Andrew Collins investigates the secrets
of the pyramids, to discover who really built them and how. Evidence shows that
they date back to at least 5000 years before the coming of the Pharaohs. So what
mysterious lost civilization erected these monuments, and what technology did
they use? Available
cheaper from Amazon UK or other
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